Webinar: Aquacultere focus – Europrawn Hellas, Greece

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First mover in growing black tiger prawns in an intensive culture system in Europe – get insights in their operations, and plan to expand their facilities further.



09.00 – 10.00


Online – on Teams


Participation is exclusive for members of the export network Danish Export – Fish Tech and Danish Export Association. Participation is free of charge.

Europrawn Hellas

Albert Ferrer Lladosa, General Manager and Rafel Belda, Operations Manager from Europrawn Hellas will give a presentation of their land-based farm where they grow Black tiger prawns. They will give a brief introduction of the farm and the activities for the past two years where Albert has been general manager. Together with Operations Manager Rafel Belda and their team they have run the operations of the farm as a pilot project for the past two years and now have a commercial set-up ready.

As Albert put it

“We have been swimming against the current – everyone said no don’t do it, which made me even more confident about the project.”

Europrawn hellas sidebillede

They have plans to expand the farm with four more units starting in 2023 and will talk about their thoughts on the expansion, how they are approaching it and the selection of suppliers and new technology for the expansion. Albert and Rafel will share what they are looking for in terms of new technology and solutions for their expansion and how Danish suppliers can get into consideration.

Finally, they will give a brief overview of aquaculture in Greece and the challenges they experience.

The webinar will be held in English

Meet the speakers

Albert ferrer lladosa

Albert Ferrer Lladosa, General Manager, Europrawn Hellas

Albert took on the task of setting up and develop operations for Europrawn Hellas in September 2020. His former experience involves Pescanova in Nicaragua, National Aquaculture Group in Saudi Arabia, and Tassal in Australia which all have been focused on shrimp breeding and farming.

Rafel belda

Rafel Belda, Operations Manager, Europrawn Hellas

Rafel has been Operations Manager at Europrawn Hellas since December 2020, where he has developed the farm operations side by side with Albert and their team of 20 people. He has 13 years of experience within the aquaculture and has the technical knowledge of the facility.

Source: https://www.danishexport.dk/aktivitet/webinar-aquacultere-focus-europrawn-hellas-greece

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